High-Risk Pregnancy: Sabira's Path to a Safer Motherhood:

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In the remote village of Panavoor in Trivandrum, Kerala, a high-risk pregnant woman named Sabira (name changed for privacy) faces the daunting challenge of carrying her pregnancy to term. At 31, she is no stranger to the perils of maternity, having already endured the heartbreak of an abortion and a history of seizures during her previous pregnancies. With two children and in-laws to care for, Sabira's unemployed status and her husband's daily wage work leave the family in a precarious financial position.

The L&M Foundation along with its implementing partner SOMA, stepped in focusing on the critical First 1,000 Days, to ensure Sabira and her unborn child receive the best possible care despite the financial hurdles. Recognizing the crucial nature of Sabira's case, we took swift action to provide the necessary medical and psychosocial support, integral for an at-risk pregnant woman like Sabira.

Medical aid, in the form of medications and diagnostic support, was furnished, easing the financial strain on her family and enabling timely medical intervention. Our project team worked closely with Sabira, offering consistent psychosocial support that proved pivotal in managing her anxiety, ensuring that her mental well-being remained a priority.

Through the compassionate and targeted efforts of the L&M Foundation, Sabira's health-seeking behaviour improved markedly, leading to better health care utilisation and fostering a nurturing environment for her pregnancy.  

The regular provision of medication allowed her to control her seizures and maintain a healthy pregnancy, while the psychosocial support facilitated emotional expression, providing a much-needed outlet for her stress and concerns.

Our commitment to supporting high-risk pregnant women like Sabira in the First 1,000 Days of their child's life has been instrumental in transforming lives. As we continue to champion the cause of maternal and neonatal health, Sabira's story stands as a ray of hope—a testament to the impact that dedicated care and support can have in ensuring safer pregnancies and healthier babies.

Join us in our mission to empower more women like Sabira and be part of the journey to safeguard the First 1,000 Days for vulnerable mothers and their children. Your support can make all the difference.